Monday, May 21, 2012


                                      (This picture was taken the day before he went into the ER)

July 6, 2010
            Today I am feeling so grateful for my many blessing. But especially the blessing of my family. Last night we had a very big scare with our baby Cash. My husband was lying on the floor with him and all of a sudden he asked me if Cash has always had a rash… I came over to Cash to look and almost instantly Cash’s whole body head to toe turned a deep red color and had big puffy white bumps! I thought he was having an allergic reaction to something. His whole face swelled up and his lips got 2x there normal size. I put him in the bath to see if it would calm down but it got worse so my husband and I rushed him the emergency room. When we got there the nurses rushed him into a room and Cash turned very pale and started to vomit. The Doctor got very nervous and Cash had to get every test imaginable… He had 3 needles in one arm, an IV in the other, a catheter, and they had to check his temperature inside of him, so you could guess where that went, and the worse one is he had to have a spinal tap. At first I was a complete wreck because Cash’s arm was so swollen they could not find a vein so they had to dig around with the needle and he was just screaming in pain. Thank heavens my husband was there... he held Cash and I had to leave the room. The nurse followed me and I just bawled I couldn't stop. I finally had to pull myself together and went back in and just kept saying, “Cash look at Mama, look at me, its ok!” Which he finally did calm down a little and they got the IV in. The doctor came in a little later to take Cash to get his spinal tap done. The doctor said she was going to take him into another room because this was something no parent should ever watch their child go through! I have never prayed so hard in my life. The Doctor stepped out for a second and Monkey gave Cash a blessing that he would be okay through the procedure. The doctor came and took him and after what felt like forever they brought him back… He was so tired and his face was so swollen… I fed him and after he just smiled up at me. I don’t know how this possible but he started to laugh! What a strong baby! I am so grateful that Monkey gave him that blessing and that our Heavenly Father was with Cash. The rest of the night we waited for test results… and the doctor finally came in and told us his white blood cell count was 21000 and normal is 15000 or so… it was way high. She said because of this they believed he has a virus that his body is trying so hard to get out of his system. She assured me that he was going to be fine but it would take a couple more days to have him all the way better. They decided to keep him over night, which I am so glad about because when we got to our hospital room the nurses checked his breathing and he wasn’t getting enough oxygen. They put the oxygen tube up his nose and let him sleep the rest of the night while being closely watched. All night I just kept watching him and the machine. They next morning the doctor came to check on him and he was doing awesome. They discharged him a little after and we got to go home. One thing I will never forget the Doctor saying is,” it was a good thing you brought him in, cause who knows what would have happened.” I can’t really get that out of my mind, I don’t really want to know what would have happened I am just so overwhelmingly grateful that we still have our sweet Cash! He is such a blessing in our lives…He has taught us what is most important in life... Family. Cash has taught us that spending time with each other is what is matters most, because who knows what tomorrow brings. I was thinking of how sometimes I get mad at Belle or Monkey about little things and how worthless it is to even get mad, because maybe they won’t be here tomorrow. I have learned to be patient through trials (I am not perfect by any means) and I know that my Heavenly Father is going to be with me every step of the way. I have learned to love each moment I spend with my children, my husband, my family, my friends, everyone! I am so grateful I really wish I could share half of what is in my heart. It is so full gratitude. I am grateful that prayers are answered! I am so grateful and feel so humbled that Cash and Belle are in my life and that we have a Heavenly Father that is full aware of us, I believe that with all my heart! Thank you everyone for your thoughts and prayers. Thank you Mom and Dad for dropping everything to watch Belle while we were at the hospital I can’t explain how appreciative I am for both of you, and thank you Tanna for taking Belle to get ice cream today when I couldn’t bring Cash out!!! She felt so special and was so excited! I think I have a new motto that I am going to live by for the rest of my life… “NEVER WASTE A MOMENT WHEN YOU COULD BE SPENDING IT WITH THOSE YOU LOVE.”
I Love you Cash!

July 7, 2010
            Today I have been thinking a lot about what is going to happen in our families’ future. Wondering how in the world we are going to pay for Cash’s medical bills. I really could care less about how much the bill is going to be because no price is too much for our little Cash’s life. But it was a concern because we don’t have much money. I have had a prayer in my heart all day that Monkey could just sell a lot so we would not have to go into debt too much more because in a month Monkey will be starting Optometry school and we will have to take out at least 45 grand a year. So I have been worried but so overwhelmingly grateful that our sweet Cash is with us still. I decided to study scriptures after Belle and Cash went to bed and I started reading in Doctrine and Covenants 104: 78-80
78 And again, verily I say unto you, concerning your debts—behold it is my will that you shall apay all your bdebts.
  79 And it is my will that you shall ahumble yourselves before me, and obtain this blessing by your bdiligence and humility and the prayer of faith.
  80 And inasmuch as you are diligent and humble, and exercise the aprayer of faith, behold, I will soften the hearts of those to whom you are in debt, until I shall send means unto you for your bdeliverance.

What an incredible answer to my prayer. I almost died when I read this scripture. I was just reading my next chapter for the day and here was my Heavenly Father speaking right to me. I felt overwhelmed with comfort and peace. I really wanted to know how to be humble… I started to study what being humble meant…
-not proud or arrogant; modest
-Humbling - causing awareness of your shortcomings
-having a feeling of insignificance
-courteously respectful
- The feeling of awe

How do I explain how I feel? How can I express the love I have felt from my Heavenly Father? How can I show how grateful and completely overwhelmed I am that he took the time to take care of Cash and on top of that he answered my prayer through the scriptures and made me feel complete peace? How do I act when I have been so blessed? I am at awe! I am at awe of the millions of blessing he has blessed me with. I know I can’t do this only, I need him every hour. I don’t know how humble I am, but I am going to try my absolute hardest and more to become such. I do know one thing I will never stop praying! I will never stop thanking Heavenly Father for my family. And as crazy as this sounds I will always thank him for my trials, because each one I overcome with him I know I have become stronger.

July 8, 2010
            The doctor called last night and asked if Cash had a temperature…. He had a 100.5 temp so she told me to hurry and bring Cash back to the ER…I was like what in the world is going on!? Dr. King said that Cash tested positive for Strep B. I had no idea what that was, all I knew is they gave me medicine for it before Cash was delivered… because I tested positive for it and if babies get it they get really sick and even die. So of course I FREAKED! I got Cash to the ER and they hooked him up to another IV (I hate that) and gave him medicine to wipe out the bacteria in his body causing Strep B. They did more blood work. While we were waiting for the result the doctor explained how lucky it was that she swabbed Cash’s throat the first time we were there, because normally they don’t because babies don’t develop Strep B after birth. She explained how she didn’t know how Cash ended up with these bacteria, but it was a good thing she caught it because the bacteria was only in his throat. If the bacteria would have spread and got into his blood Cash would have gotten very sick and would most likely pass away. My heart dropped! I have never been more grateful that Cash got his weird virus because if he wouldn’t have gotten that virus I would have never even known he was sick until it was too late! What another amazing miracle! I can’t thank my Heavenly Father enough. Cash must be a pretty special boy! I am so out of my mind grateful!
 Oh if anyone is wondering how Belle is doing she is getting kicked out of the nursery! Hahaha not really but I do have to go in the nursery every Sunday to make sure she doesn’t hurt all the other kids. I got a phone call yesterday and basically Belle scratched a little girl so bad in the eye and made her bleed…. and no one really knew what happened so the other little girls mom wasn’t too happy! So I got a call that I probably needed to call and apologize for Belle and stay in nursery with her for a couple of weeks! Hahah oh Life!!!!!! I decided it is a crazy thing! I am just happy I am getting through it!!

May 20, 2012
       So we all know how this story ends... a week or so later Cash was doing fine and getting healthy. We got letters in the mail saying our bills of thousands of dollars came down to only a couple hundred. How are Heavenly Father loves each one of his children. Thank you both for going through this trial with me and being there every moment! I love you both so much! 

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